xPDK Header

The typical structure of the xPDK files is a header like below followed by the content. This common header allows to include documents via
. This is very handy to split up larger files as well as avoid duplication of data that is needed in multiple places.
full file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>

 <provider>Stichting PDAFlow Foundation</provider>
  Stichting PDAFlow Foundation, document in progress.
  Demo Material

  The xPDK is a very flexible setuip.

  <global name="glbA" type="int"> 4 </global>
  <global name="glbB" type="double"> exp(glbA*3) </global>
  <!-- triggers "duplicate key-sequence" glbB -->
  <!-- <global name="glbB" type="double">exp(glbA*3)</global> -->

 <!-- Include files to ensure correct references.
  <xi:include href="someOtherXml.xml" parse="xml"/>


Most of the fields in this file are optional, only name is a required one. The XSD: xPDK_Base.xsd.


The name at the start (just below the xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation) defines the design kit name and is intended as a relatively short name. It should be unique enough to avoid confusion by designers.


The provider field can be used for a full name of the design kit provider, so a full company name for example.


The version field defines the version of the design kit and is expected in where a major number change indicates something big changed, while the minor is for more incremental changes. The patch indicates normally small data updates like new measurements.


The licensse states the basic conditions of using the file and typically refers to legal documents (NDA).


The doc allows some (short, few lines) documentation to be written. It can be a long string, but the idea is not to replace a design manual.


Use of globals allows the definition of a list of variables that can be used throughout the file in expressions. Using globals is handy for things that are repeatedly used, so instead of copy/paste long expressions, you can just use the global variables.


Insicde the globals you can define global variables with an expression, type and unit.
