xPDK BB - Basic fields

The following example shows the basic information that is expected (but not required). With this content you can start using it in different software. It does not define parameters, so it is a fixed design.
Normally BB's have more ports as well as parameters, so a "real" BB will be longer.
full file

<bb name="myBB">
 <library>Basic components/demo</library>
 <license>Just the PDAFlow one</license>

 <port label="in0">
   <position> <!-- units for x,y,z: um; for angle,pitch,roll: degree -->
   <width unit="um" min="2" max="100000">5</width>
   <radius unit="um" min="5" max="100000">50</radius>
   <rectangle portref="in0" width="10" length="20" x="0" y="0"/>


Specify license information if it differs from the PDK license scope.
This is typically not needed, but in some cases there may be IP restrictions from other parties involved or sub-licensing/restrictions for using this building block.