PDAFlow Foundation
Non-profit foundation for development, support and licensing of software standards for design automation.
Mission statement
The expressed goal of the Foundation is to act as the governing body of the PDAFlow standards. The Foundation aims to create and maintain its standards with the following overarching principles in mind:
- A sustainable ecosystem for photonic integration.
The members acknowledge that for a sustainable ecosystem using a set of standards, it is paramount that those standards are carried by as broad a consensus as possible. Specifically, the viability of any business using these standards depends critically on the assurance that those standards cannot be exploited, changed or abandoned by any one single entity in any unforeseeable way. - Standards for data exchange.
The members expressively believe that the challenges of photonic integration can only be met by collaboration between a variety of partners, including but not limited to foundries, software developers, circuits designers and equipment manufacturers. Thus, transparent standards to exchange data seemingly between the partners are needed.
Contact details:
PDAFlow Foundation
PO Box 545
7500 AM Enschede
the Netherlands
e-mail: info(at)pdaflow.org
Becoming a member
Membership is open to any organization (commercial and non commercial) engaged in the development and use of software tools or design kits for photonic integration as well as other micro and nano technologies.
Please fill in, sign and return the membership form to become a member.
Copyright and all rights reserved 2022 - Stichting PDAFlow Foundation - Registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 57943389